Sunday, August 27, 2017

Disaster Ready

When writing this article, Hurricane Harvey was bearing down on the southern Texas coast. The news channel reported how the grocery shelves were already emptied out for miles around. FEMA recommends families keep a three to five day supply of food and water on hand. It's always a good idea to be as ready as possible for any emergency. Another good recommendation for staying prepared is to maintain an adequate level of physical fitness. First responders are heroes; however, they may not be able to do their jobs after the predicted thirty inches of rain leaves massive flooding in it's wake. Many of the people in the path of this storm will need to fend for themselves. Before the flood waters recede most will be tasked to exhaustion.

Those evening walks will take on a whole new meaning when the strength and stamina gained allow us to help ourselves and others out of harms way. A disaster can test the full measure of our endurance. Being able to help others in an emergency situation is an amazing honor to be remembered always. Walking to safety, after the car breaks down, in an isolated location, is nothing more than a minor inconvenience for someone who walks several miles regularly. Carrying a child to safety, or helping an elderly person from danger, can take a toll on an untrained body. But a strong body, with a healthy heart, is going to be more resistant to injuries, such as muscle tears or sprained ankles.

Both the Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association recommend regular moderate intensity exercise as the best prevention for injury and sickness. There is actually a National Physical Fitness Plan, put together by organizations such as these, to improve the fitness of our nation's population. One of their most successful efforts in this endeavor is the system of recreational parks with walking trails. Walking or running thirty minutes a day, five days a week, is their recommendation to achieve and maintain an adequate level of fitness. Adding two days a week of strength training will enhance the conditioning results even more.

There may come a time when we must be the first responder for ourselves or others. The minutes and miles spent on those walking trails will give us the peace of mind to know we are ready should an emergency occur. The best way we can prepare, for any life challenge, is to be physically and mentally ready. There is an old saying, “A hero will come when a hero is needed”. We can train to be our families' heroes, as well as, set a good example for them by maintaining a regular exercise program.

It's not just a step, it's a start.


Friday, August 11, 2017

There's No Place Like Home

Our bodies are the forever home we will live out our entire lives in. We might change addresses several times, but our bodies will make every one of those moves right along with us. Shouldn't we treat our bodies with as much careful attention as the wood and brick houses we call home. Hours are spent every week mowing the lawns, trimming the walk ways, cleaning inside and out, just to give our house a pride of ownership look. Imagine how much better we would all look, if we spent the same amount of time toning and strengthening the body we live in.

When our houses need more than we can provide, we hire people to decorate or maintain them. The same thing can be done for our physical bodies. Personal trainers can help get us started and provide motivation along the way. Motivation is very important, since we can't store physical fitness. As soon as we stop exercising, we start losing it. The trainer can change up our routines to keep them fresh and fun. Most health clubs have trainers on staff, and it can be well worth the time and money spent, because they can sometimes be the reason we succeed. Often the advice and assistance of the personal trainers are even included in the membership fee.

The people who live in beautiful homes will tell you that it took a lot of work to get them that way. The lawn of thick green grass, without a weed in sight, didn't happen by accident. It needed the good nutrition of fertilizer coupled with regular watering. Our bodies will also thrive and grow stronger with good nutrition, and proper hydration is especially important. When repairs are required, we use good quality materials and have a knowledgeable person do the work. Sometimes our bodies also need attention, so we go to a professional to ensure we are getting the proper treatments. Treating our houses or bodies properly will make them last longer and function better.

Maintaining a healthy body starts at ground level with correctly fitting shoes. Sore feet will throw the rest of the body out of balance, because they are the body's foundation. Our homes, both body and house, must be strong, with a solid foundation to withstand the occasional storm. Storms will usually come when we least expect them. Being strong and flexible means we will be better prepared to face them. It's never to late to start treating our wonderful bodies properly. Years of neglect can be erased once we do decide to properly care for the homes we carry with us.

It's not just a step, it's a start.
