Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Full Measure

What would our own lives be like if we went that one step further in every thing we did. What if we gave everything full measure. Giving full measure, what a novel idea, could that be the key to success in everything. Giving full measure in business means going further than your competition. It's the edge, the secret ingredient, the ace in the hole, whatever you want to call having the advantage, giving full measure is how to get it.

In weight loss it's going all the way, eating right, not cheating, drinking the water and doing the exercise. In sports it's training hard and regularly. I read once that when the San Francisco 49ers showed up for practice that Jerry Rice and Joe Montana were already there working on the passing game. They were both record breaking Hall of Fame Players. They gave just a little bit more than everyone else and it showed in their performance. Maybe it all boils down to having enough faith in ourselves that we have decided we are worth the effort.

Even giving full measure isn't going to take us where we want to go unless we also make a commitment that we are going to give full effort, every time. No cheating, but keeping it up, staying faithful to our dreams. If we make a commitment then giving full measure means making the effort all the time, not just when it's convenient.

It's not just a step, it's a start.


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