Monday, December 18, 2017

Happy Like a Boss

Remember this pearl of wisdom: "We have only one life, there is no dress rehearsal”. One of my favorites is, "I'm glad to get up in the morning for work because it means I have a job". Many people are not happy with their life, that is a tragedy because we do truly have only one go at it. It would be nice if we had a remote control for our lives so we could change the channel if we didn't like what was on. Or fast forward through the rough times but rewind and replay the good stuff. There is no remote control for life, like with the old style TVs we have to get up to change what we don't like. Hum, get up and do something if we desire change, what a novel concept.

Feeling in control, is where a lot of people fall off the happy wagon, they just don't feel empowered to make life adjustments. Feeling instead that life is pushing them along, they are just hanging on. Life is indeed a journey and we can choose the path. A good first step is turning dreams or desires into goals. We gain control by making goals, then forming good solid plans to achieve them. Decide on a direction, then like a boss, make it happen.

It's not just a step, it's a start.


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