Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Power of a Word

Sometimes one word of encouragement given at just the right time can turn a persons life around. We may never know or be rewarded with the gratification of seeing the results of our kindness to others. But when we are the receivers of an encouraging word of empowerment, especially if it comes from our own heart, we can surely feel its power.
How we empower ourselves defines us. Our true character comes out when we refuse to fail. One of the places where we can see this in action is marathons. The vast majority of us who have done marathons reach a point where we have nothing left. But we finish on the strength of our will, telling ourselves over and over, “Just a few more miles, I can do this”. Anyone, who has gone the distance, will understand. However, there is no shame in coming up short, if we have given our full measure. I have known many brave recreational athletes who kept at it until, after years of trying, they finally went the distance. They were not defeated, because they never gave up. It wasn’t that their empowering words were weak, they just had to learn to believe them. Once believed, the words of empowerment changed them forever.

Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can, or you think you can't, you will be right”. This quote is from a man whose innovations in manufacturing are still followed today. I think of his words of wisdom on occasions when continuing forward requires a decision be made to keep going rather than giving up. At other times, I think of the champions I've known and the simple, but powerful, words of encouragement they gave me. From one lady who has earned many gold medals in world competition: “When it's time to train, but it's raining, train anyway”. That's how champions think. They do what others will not.

Never is encouragement more important than we empower our youth to succeed. A child who is taught to believe in their self will have an advantage throughout their life. Often self doubt is what holds us back. Positive encouragement can erase the doubt, turning it into self respect. From childhood to adult, empowerment is vitally important, regardless whether it comes form others or from our own heart.

It's not just a step, it's a start.


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