Monday, December 25, 2017


There are times which everything seems overpowering. We wonder if we will ever get back on the right track again. The modern high tech world can get confusing, frustrating, and down right depressing. So how do we get our groove back? “We have to get back to the basics”.

We must take a few steps back, away from the high tech. Do it all from our chair, world. We are hard wired to move our bodies, not born to work with just our minds and fingers. But is this reality now? And that kind of work is a concept that goes against the natural order of life? We have to counter balance our long days at work with what we were designed for, moving. Our bodies are amazing. They can do, within reason, anything we ask of it. Most of the modern developed world seems to have forgotten. People don’t move their bodies anymore. They sit using their minds and fingers.

There was a time before we became so civilized and mechanized that work was done with our whole body along with our mind. We worked the fields. We built dwellings by hand. We had craftsmen to hammer the things we needed. Now, we sit at desks and just use our computer. We stand at an assembly line and do a short task, again with our fingers. It’s no wonder that our backs ache and we are overweight. No one wants to go back to those more primitive times. We love our modern convinces. But we must temper that with our body’s need to move regularly and intensely.

The magic solution is moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other. Just walking or running, as simple and as basic as it can get. People were designed to move from place to place legs striding, arms swinging, waist turning. Yes it’s that important. We need to move and do it regularly. We are able to do everything better when our whole body, not just your fingers are strong.

Discover the amazing, powerful affects of regular motion, it can be truly life changing. Our minds and strong fingers will even perform better.

It’s not just a step, it’s a start.


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